Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Book Review : "Love At Last Sight" by Kerry & Chris Shook

I have had this book for several months now. It reads out a nice monthly plan, of ways to help improve your relationships Not just love/intimate ones, but all of them. Whether with friends, children, strangers, etc. I was trying to originally read it in the way suggested, which is day-to-day, with something to 'work on' for each; but found myself having to go several days, if not weeks, in between readings, as I tried to use the ideas, or time constraints in being able to sit down and focus on what I am reading. I did finally finish it, and it has helped me. I recommend it for everyone in late teens and older!

Ugh! Been away!

It has been almost 3 months since I posted here with a review, and for that I have no excuse. I just got in the mood to not do them. Besides, I was feeling like they were pretty cheesy reviews anyways. I was hoping to get better, but can see that  will be needing MUCH MORE practice.  'Nough said.