Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Movie Review : "The A-Team"

This updated feature-film take on the hit 1980s television show follows a group of Iraq War veterans on the run from U.S. military forces while they try to clear their names after being framed for a crime they didn't commit. Along the way, Col. Hannibal Smith, Capt. H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock , Sgt. Bosco "B.A." Baracus and Lt. Templeton "Faceman" Peck help out various people they encounter. Joe Carnahan directs this high-octane actioner. -taken from Netflix.com

I felt disappointed as I started this film. Having Grown up watching the original TV series, and really being into the whole thing in those years, knowing they had made an attempt to capture that '80s feeling and modernize the whole series into a 2 hour movie... I just didn't see it happening, and felt that way. I tried to be open about it though, and tried to watch it like the first time seeing of this show. It worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I was "Eh." at the beginning, as they created the storyline of how they got in a group, but I liked where they went after that. Truly, unrealistic, nothing but action-packed and explosions throughout!! What guy wouldn't like this one??!! Though I was so stuck on about how the original cast would not be able to be replicated, in a way, they weren't. The base idealism of the character was there, but I think they added a bit more to them. My boys haven't watched it yet, but I know they will enjoy it too. I give it a high 4 stars!

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