Thursday, January 14, 2016

Book Review: "Cauldron of Secrets" by Thomas K. Carpenter

Ignorance is bliss, unless the world is out to kill you... 

An investigation into a strange cauldron and a dead thief in Ben Franklin's parlor leaves Katerina Dashkova, Russian princess in exile, as the main suspect. With her memory damaged and Ben Franklin missing, Kat must navigate the treacherous waters of American politics to solve the mystery while ominous rumblings threaten to drag the country into a new war.  - from

This is turning into a somewhat interesting series for me. The books are pretty quickly read, and continue (so far) the storyline without a large amount of time passing between books. In book two, sometime (I think it was close to a year I believe) has passed since Franklin disappeared. Kat has been trying to be in the printing press business and seems to have basically forgotten the recent memories, at least a period of time going back just over a year. Through the local constable, and a local banker's wife, she ends up getting pulled into an large Presidential assassination attempt on Pres. Washington, to try to force America into a war with Russia.

I enjoy how the story line has continued from the first book, without a large amount of time passing (multiple years), and is able to quickly summarize that not much has happened in that time. I am not into the steam-punk variety that much, but enjoy how inventions are brought into the story long before they were invented (in our time). There are many historical facts and characters that link throughout that make it fun to imagine this all in a parallel world's past.

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