Monday, July 1, 2024

Book Review: "Schemes & Scandals" by Kelley Armstrong


It’s Mallory Atkinson’s first Christmas in Scotland. Victorian Scotland, that is. Also, as the twenty-first-century detective learns, Christmas really isn’t a thing in Victorian Scotland. It’s all about Hogmanay. But her boss, Dr. Duncan Gray, treats her to an early gift of tickets to the event of the season: a Charles Dickens reading. There, they bump into Lady Inglis—the lovely widow who has sent Gray sexy letters trying to entice him back to her bed.

Lady Inglis introduces Mallory to Dickens—the meeting of a lifetime—but in return she wants their help. She’s being blackmailed. Someone stole letters she wrote to another lover and is threatening to publish them.

Mallory isn’t sure what to make of Lady Inglis, but no woman deserves that, so she insists on taking the case with or without Gray’s help. Growing tension between them soon tells Mallory that Gray is hiding a secret of his own. She has until Hogmanay to uncover the blackmailer…and, hopefully, to put things right with Gray so they can enjoy the holiday together.  - from 

This eARC was provided by and I am giving an unbiased review.

So, historical fiction stories are not my favorite reads, but the first book in this series had intrigued me with the plot synopsis, and so I started in on it. Of course, this being a smaller novella between possible longer tales, it was a much shorter read, and I did finish it rather quickly once started. Our MC is still stuck back Victorian Era Scotland, with still no idea, or much hope, at returning to modern day. However, her relationship with Gray is developed more, and still, due to the period, not able to be openly displayed, or even talked about amongst their own privacy. Here there is a nice touch that the MC gets to meet Charles Dickens, who just happens to be one of her favorite authors (coincidental...hmmm).

Overall for the shortness of this story, it flowed well. Sticking to the characters, and events from previous installments, I detected no deviance from what has happened before. How accurate the part of Dickens being in Scotland that possible Yuletide... who is to say. There probably is some record of him making a circuit during the era, but I am not that interested to verify. It sounded well and true to me.

Enjoyed the short work, and because I've got some vested reading into the series, I would definitely recommend and read additional stories if the author presents more. 

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