Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Book Review: "In Too Deep" by Lee Child and Andrew Child


The gripping new Jack Reacher thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling authors Lee Child and Andrew Child

Reacher had no idea where he was. No idea how he had gotten there. But someone must have brought him. And shackled him. And whoever had done those things was going to rue the day. That was for damn sure.

Jack Reacher wakes up alone, in the dark, handcuffed to a makeshift bed. His right arm has suffered some major damage. His few possessions are gone. He has no memory of getting there.

The last thing Reacher can recall is the car he hitched a ride in getting run off the road. The driver was killed.

His captors assume Reacher was the driver’s accomplice and patch up his wounds as they plan to make him talk.

A plan that will backfire spectacularly . . . - from

This eARC was received through and I am providing an unbiased review.

I believe this is the 29th book in the Jack Reacher series originally created by Lee Child, and now being written also with his nephew(?) in these past recent novels. The story continues the exploits of our favorite Major Reacher (Ret.) as he travels across whatever states he feels like, with just some cash, his passport, and the willingness to walk. 

I had some feelings prior to starting this novel. Mostly, it was along the lines of 'where are they going to get a story that hasn't already been used' since we are so far into the series. This one started with Reacher having amnesia, and much of the storyline is him figuring out what/who are involved, while trying to recall the short-term memory lapse he has. Not bad on the story line front...

I did see more of a change int he writing style, compared to earlier novels. I think Andrew is doing much more of the writing now, and though trying to stay in character with the dialogue we are used to seeing in other Reacher novels, it just quite doesn't feel the same. I do believe that given some more time, Andrew could tell the tale as well as Lee has done all these years, and perhaps, bring in some ideas that have not been used to date. Overall, it is a Reacher novel and I just love this series!

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