Sunday, December 5, 2021

Book Review: "The Father's Son" by Peter McPhie


A determined young man pursues the organization that abducted his father twenty years earlier.

He was seven when he saw his father taken from home by gunmen.

There were no answers as to what happened and why.
Twenty years later he has a happier life, a wife and son.
The terrible past has lost its grip.
Until one day… it comes back.
Clues from a surprising source.
Determined, he undertakes a deadly hunt against an unknown and powerful enemy.
And everything's at stake.
More than he knows. - from

I had passed over this book a couple times when looking to select a title to read. I had never heard of the author, and the plot synopsis was a 50/50 on me taking a chance to read this one. After a day or so, and having hesitated a couple times, I went ahead and requested it. I am so glad I did! I started reading with some slight trepidation of what I should expect, but the story seemed to flow out well and the character building was better than I was expecting. The opening chapters had their hooks into me and I wondered how this was going to end. When I did reach the end, it wrapped up details nicely, and in a way that to me, at least, seemed normal.
Thoroughly a good read, and I will be looking at other novels by this author. Recommend for those that like action stories.

Thanks to Booksirens, the author and publisher to allow me to receive and review this title.

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