Monday, February 10, 2014

Book Review: "The Vampire Next Door" by Charity Santiago and Evan Hale

Twenty-five-year-old Kennedy isn't exactly a man-hater, but considering the way she and her husband parted ways eight months ago, she's not exactly harboring any warm, fuzzy feelings toward the opposite sex, either. With a vampire pandemic in full swing, it's been pretty easy to shove all thoughts of her nonexistent love life onto the back burner.
Everything changes when she meets Reeve, the gorgeous vampire next door who can melt Kennedy into a quivering puddle of lust with a single, smoldering glance. Soon, Kennedy has her hands full dealing with an undead ex-wife, a city-wide shortage of Vienna sausages, a commitment-phobic dog named after Dolph Lundgren, and the unexpected realization that she might still have a shot at love in the midst of a vampire apocalypse. - from

I picked this e-book up since I know the author, and had read some of her other works. I was a bit leery, as the author tends towards romance writing. I had read some things about the book, that it was a more humor/romance if anything (or at least that is how I viewed it) so I decided that I had better read it.

The cover of the book is worth snickering over, especially once you have read the story. The comic book look is nothing how the story goes, but I admit, it does sort of catch the eye. That being said, I was into the story within a few pages of starting the book. Having veered quite a bit from her previous series (LADY OF TORYN), this delves into the paranormal/urban fantasy, with a vampire pandemic striking the United States. At the time of the attack, her husband and stepchildren, are across the country and looking like they won't be back. Kennedy, our main character, is basically on her own to survive not being killed, or even worse, turned into a vampire.

I don't know if the story line ideas were all one author, and the other helped piece it together, but the teamwork really made this novel. I found myself snickering at times to events occurring, and other times wondering where some dialogue was going, only to find out later in the story. The romance factor was pretty low. No sex scenes (thank goodness!) and seemingly more wishful thinking, and steamy, eye staring then anything else. There were a few kisses. I was a bit surprised I enjoyed the book as much as I did. Would certainly pick up the next book in the series, if they decide to do another.

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