Thursday, July 18, 2013

Book Review: "The Girl of Hrusch Avenue" by Brian McClellan

Vlora is an orphan living at a boarding school as a ward of the state. Even at her young age, she already has enemies: the Bulldog Twins, Baron Fendamere, and her own headmistress. When a strange man offers to buy her, Vlora runs away and takes to the roofs above the gunsmithies of Hrusch Avenue. It is there that she meets a boy named Taniel and begins a friendship that will change her life forever. - from

McClellan has given us another chance to visit the world of his Powder Mage series with this short story. Set before the events of "Promise of Blood", this story is just a short excursion back to the time when Taniel and Vlora were younger. For any reader of McClellan's debut novel out earlier this year (2013) you should enjoy this foray into a bit of the background for a couple of the characters.

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