Thursday, July 18, 2013

Book Review: "The Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree" by S. A. Hunt

Genre: "Weird Western" / Fantasy. The legendary gunslingers of late author Ed Brigham's fantasy novels were supposed to be the stuff of fiction, but when his son Ross and two of Ed's fans stumble into the desolate parallel world of Destin, they discover a war for the very soul of the universe, waged by the immortal muses that once pledged to enrich it -- and a strange secret that might bring America itself into the mystery. - from

I found this one through when it was listed for free. The story description sounded interesting enough, especially considering the price. I felt just a bit let-down however. The idea of the parallel universe travel has been done several times over, and the author does doe a fine job of it, but I just felt like I was reading a copy of Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' series. In this alternate world there are 'gunslingers' with a special skill in being able to shoot. There's a 'dark man' that they are 'chasing'. Three main characters, plus the King, whom the author in the story had written about. It is all just a bit too much for me. This is the first book of this series, but I don't think I will be revisiting it anytime soon.

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